Wednesday 27 December 2017

Annamalai University MBA Assignment Help (Solved Answers)

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 Annamalai University MBA First and Second Year Assignment Questions

1. Management can be defined as " A process of bringing about improvement in knowledge, skill, habit and attitudes of the employees in an organization". Discuss.
2. "Decision making is the most critical managerial task." Discuss the above  statement in light of decision-making process.
3. Select a business or political leader whom you admire, and identify his or her style of leading by applying the managerial grid or the continuum-of-behaviour model of Tannenbaum and Schmidt.
4. The only planning tool we need in the company is the budget. If everyone  meets his or her budget, we need nothing else, and management by objectives would be an unnecessary frill”. Comment.
Annamalai University MBA Assignment Solution   2019

1. Explain the recent trends in marketing concepts, also discuss the factors that a marketing manager must take into account while developing the marketing mix for the below mentioned products. I. Female cosmetics, II. Children health drinks and III. Adult bike.
2. ‘Every change in the political and legal environment creates an adjustment problem for the marketers’ – as a budding manager what is your opinion about this statement and suggest a suitable strategy to adopt successful and smooth running of your business.
3. In designing an advertising campaign for a soft drink, which would you find more useful; information about consumer demographics or information about consumer life style? Give an example of how would you use each type of information.
4. Suggest a successful way to segment the market for the following products a) Detergent soap b) Designer Jewellery c) Breakfast Cereals.
Annamalai University MBA Assignment Solution   2019

1. It is usual to declare good dividends when the company is making good profit. It is profitable for companies not to declare any dividend even when they are making good profits? What will be the reaction of the shareholder? Discuss.
2. If you are working as a financial manager in an organization, what are your policies to make profit for the organization?
3. Assume that you are new entrepreneur to start the business, which financial resources you opt? Justify with your views.
4. “The success of a business concern depends upon the way in which it earnings are computed, distributed and retained”- Comment on this statement.
Annamalai University MBA Assignment answer  2019

1. Prepare step by step Supply Chain network layout for any manufacturing company.
2. List the various factors to be considered for locating Atomic Power plant.
3. Prepare PERT network for assembling a Motor Bike.
4. Visit any production plant and list various Material Handling devices with photographs. Explain its advantages and disadvantages.
Annamalai University MBA Assignment answer  2019
1."HR outsourcing has become a common practice throughout the world"-Discuss the implications of HR outsourcing functions.
2. Identify the Paramount barriers for effective training programme in IT field and how to crush them". Explain with real life examples.
3. What type of interview techniques do you adopt for selecting an Executive in a FMCG company for the post of Marketing Manager?
4. Assume that you are responsible for evaluating the employees’ performance in the public sector manufacturing company. Discuss the appraisal process. Also explain techniques you apply for various levels and give reasons.
Annamalai University MBA Assignment answer sheet  2019
1. Which measure of central tendency would be most useful in each of the following instances?
(a) The production manager for a manufacturer of glass jars, who is concerned about the proper jar size to manufacture, has sample data on jar sizes ordered by customers. Would the mean, median, or modal jar size be of most value to the manager?
(b) The sales manager for a quality furniture manufacturer is interested in selecting the region’s most likely to purchase his firm’s products. Would he be most interested in the mean or median of family income in prospective sales areas?
(c) A security analyst is interested in describing the daily market price change of the common stock of a manufacturing company. Rarely the market price of the stock changes by more than one point, but occasionally the price will change by as many as four points in one day. Should the security analyst describe the daily price change of the stock in terms of mean, median, or mode of the daily market price change?
2. Late payment of medical claims can add to the cost of health care. An article reported that the mean time from the date of service to the date of payment for one insurance company was 41.4 days during a recent period. Suppose that a sample of 100 medical claims is selected during the latest time period. The sample mean time from the date of service to the date of payment was 39.6 days, and the sample standard deviation was 7.4 days.
a. Using the 0.05 level of significance, is there evidence that the population mean has changed from 41.4 days?
b. What is your answer in (a) if you use the 0.01 level of significance?
c. What is your answer in (a) if the sample mean is 38.2 days and the sample standard deviation is 10.7 days?
3. La Quinta Motor Inns developed a computer model to predict the profitability of sites that are being considered as locations for new hotels. If the computer model predicts large profits, La Quinta buys the proposed site and builds a new hotel. If the computer model predicts small or moderate profits, La Quinta chooses not to proceed. This decision-making procedure can be expressed in the hypothesis-testing framework. The null hypothesis is that the site is not a profitable location. The alternative hypothesis is that the site is a profitable location.
a. Explain the risks associated with committing a Type I error in this case.
b. Explain the risks associated with committing a Type II error in this case.
c. Which type of error do you think the executives at La Quinta Motor Inns are trying hard to avoid? Explain.
4. The chair of the accounting department wants to develop a regression model to predict the grade point average in accounting for graduating accounting majors, based on the students’ SAT score and whether the student received a grade of B or higher in the introductory statistics course (0 = no and 1 = yes).
a. Explain the steps involved in developing a regression model for these data. Be sure to indicate the particular models you need to evaluate and compare.
b. Suppose the regression coefficient for the variable of whether the student received a grade of B or higher in the introductory statistics course is +0.30, how do you interpret this result?
Annamalai University MBA Assignment answer  2019
1. What are the significant assumptions we make while comparing financial ratio of various companies in the same industry? Discuss the implications of the above assumptions for a user of financial ratios.
2. Suppose you are the co-owner and manager of a retail store that sells and repairs mountain bikes. Provide one example of a financial accounting report that would be useful to you and your co-owner. Provide two examples of managerial accounting reports that would be useful to you as the manager.
3. Discuss how internal rate of return (IRR) method differs from the net present value method (NPV). Be sure to include an explanation of what the IRR method is and what the NPV method is.
4. Imagine that, you are the owner of a business. Pass journal entries with 20 different transactions. Prepare a position statement after every transaction. Did your firm earn profit or made a loss at the end of all transaction? Make a small comment on your firm’s position at the end.
Annamalai University MBA Assignment answer  2019
1. Decision making is the most important function of business managers. Decision making is the central objective of Managerial Economics. Discuss - Scope of the Economics in Decision Making and Different Decision Making Models.
2. Monopolistic Competition is a special case of imperfect completion. It stance between monopoly and perfect completion and accordingly the pricing decision are determined by the market forces – Discuss.
3. Since different decision are affected by difference type of cost, it is essential for  a manager to understand the relevant cost in decision making. Comment in detail.
4. The concept of price velocity is very useful in the total revenue planning of your firm. Comment on the validity of this statement. Derive a relationship between price velocity and marginal revenue of a firm.
Annamalai University MBA Assignment answer  2019
1. Enumerate and explain the characteristics of contracts and differentiate from Government contract. Assess the present methods of discharge of a contract.
2. Classify negotiable instruments. In what way the negotiable instruments differ from one another. Discuss the recent amendments in negotiable instruments.
3. Describe the principles of law of insurance. How do these characteristics differ for marine, life and fire insurance?
4. Describe the essentials of an arbitration agreement. Explain the composition and jurisdiction of arbitral tribunals.
 Annamalai University MBA Assignment answer  2019
1. Assume that you want to evaluate a training programme. Discuss various types of experimental research designs that can be adopted and give suitable situations for each type.
2. Prepare a questionnaire to study the attitude of students who are pursuing Masters’ programme in Business Administration through distance education mode.
3. Consider mobile phone as a product. List the attributes that are considered by consumers while buying the product. Assume that you need to segment the product market. What analysis you will use for this objective and how you progress to reach it.
4. Assume that there are three judges evaluating the candidates appearing for selection process at preliminary level. At final level you wish to have only two of them and how will you decide which two can be selected for final process of selection. Assume that an individual’s performance is based on his education, experience, ability, emotional intelligence and self confidence. Explain independent and dependent variables in this case. Assume that you are applying regression analysis what are the criterion you will look for to interpret?
1. Discuss the impact of recent global financial meltdown on the prospects of world trade. Give your suggestions to overcome the crisis.
2. What are the control devices used by authorized dealers in regulating foreign exchange in the country?
3. State the balance of payment position of India. What steps that government, public and corporations can take to improve the position.
4. Assume that you are interested in starting an export firm. Explain the procedure for getting license for exporting.
 Annamalai University MBA Assignment answer  2019
1. Assuming you are a Chief Personnel Manager of a leading MNC, draft a letter calling a candidate for an interview in reply to his application for the position of Chief Financial Executive.
2. Assume yourself as a Customer Relationship Manager of a bank. You have received a letter from your customers who have complained to you about the rude behaviour of a computer clerk. Since the customer is an important person, write a letter to convince the customer.
3. Communication is lifeblood of an organization and without it organization cannot exists. Discuss this statement.
4. The problem of communication arises because there are various obstacles which may entirely prevent a communication or filter part of it, or present it incorrect. Comment and discuss.
Annamalai University MBA Assignment answer  2019
1. Understanding the basic concepts of Organizational Behaviour prepare a Behavioural frame work for a newly established IT company in Chennai. – Student can imagine the size and turnover of the industry.
2. To understand the importance of the concepts personality, perception, and attitude of employees in an organization, prepare an interview schedule, conduct an interview with 2-3 executives of any one organization and present the results.
3. After listing out the qualities and theories of leadership, have a discussion with one or two real world leaders of your choice and present the outcome.
4. Identify a suitable case to understand Organizational Culture, analyze the case and present it with issues and strategies.
 Annamalai University MBA Assignment answer  2019
1. “Advertising increases competition and improve life -style by helping to bring new product to the consumer”. –Do you agree or not? Substantiate your views.
2. Persuasive advertising is the most obvious kind of advertising- Do you agree? Elaborate the reasons.
3. It is said that advertising is a waste of scarce resources in a developing country like India. Do you agree? Substantiate your arguments with appropriate examples.
4. Give examples of consumer behaviour concepts applied to sales promotion.
Annamalai University MBA Assignment answer  2019
1. Study the following produces and explain how they have failed to keep up with the changing world
(a) Honda car
(b) Singer sewing machine
2. Material management plays important role in optimization of overall profitability of any firm – Elaborate.
3. Explain the applications of ABC analysis in production and material management in a chemical industry.
4. Discuss the causes and objectives of breakdown maintenance. Point out its demerits in a manufacturing industry.
Annamalai University MBA Assignment answer  2019
1. Creative management, whether in public administration or private industry, depends on methods of inquiry that maintain objectivity, clarity, accuracy and consistency”. Discuss this statement and examine the significance of research”.
2. Experimental method of research is not suitable in management field.Discuss the problems in the introduction of this research design in business organisation?
3. Interpretation is an art of drawing inferences, depending upon the skill of the researcher”. Elucidate the given statement explaining the technique of interpretation.
4. You are working as a purchase Manager for a company. The following information has been supplied to you by two manufacturers of electric bulbs. Which brand of bulbs are you going to purchase if you desire to take a risk of 5% Company A Company B Mean life (in hours) 1300 1248 Standard Deviation (in hours) 82 93 Sample size 100 100
Annamalai University MBA Assignment answer  2019
1. “All of us know that the total of the both sides of the Trail balance and Balance sheet are must be matched, however in many occasions total of the two sides of the statements may not be matched because of several reasons.” Discuss.
2. “Cost – Volume Profit (CVP) analysis is well known as well as most useful analytical tool for assessing and comparing the benefits derived by the user of the product or service against what they are paying.” Comment.
3. “Preparation of cash budget is helpful to resolve many systematic questions of an organization, however in very few occasions the cash budget is failed to detect uneven cash flows.” why and how?– Discuss.
4. “As a financial analyst, how would you address and resolve the various issues involved in international financial statements analysis?” – Explain.
1. Discuss India’s balance of payment position since 2000 and adjustments mechanism adopted by India.
2. Explain the theory of customs union on its relevance to developing countries.
3. Critically discuss the monetary approach to the balance of payment problem.
4. Discuss the methods adopted for foreign exchange control.
Annamalai University MBA Assignment answer  2019
1. Why do Firms go International? Discuss the Problems Faced by MNC’S in introducing new Product.
2. Do you think that study of international business environment is relevant for the manager? If yes (or) No, Justify your views and Discuss the economic and financial environment of international business.
3. Judge how the business and cultural environment shape the behavior of a organization of your choice.
4. Is your firm home-region oriented, Bi-region oriented or host-region oriented or global, according to Vugman and Verdeke’s criteria? Show how you reach your conclusion.
Annamalai University MBA Assignment answer  2019
1. What are some of the major factors that have influenced the yen/dollar exchange rate in the past decade? Have different factors become more important at different times? It so, which ones?
2. “Major global powers influenced the foreign policy of India – New India is gradually gaining momentum to influence the foreign polices of major powers” Elucidate.
3. India’s role in the development of Bangladesh and Srilanka is noteworthy. But their attitude towards India is not encouraging. What goes wrong? How such problems can be solved?
4. Analyze the following issues related to India’s foreign policy.
A. China – India Border Issue.
B. Pakistan – India Border issue.
C. India’s claim for permanent seat in the UN Security Council.
1. Information technology is moving towards maturity? Do you agree or disagree? Justify your views. 2. Give some examples of IT dependencies that are likely to be found in a strategy but cannot be resolved through the iterative process. How can the effects of dependencies external to the firm are mitigated.
3. Assume you are the manager of a department in which each of your employees has a workstation interconnected to all other in the department through a LAN. The LAN itself is connected to the firm’s central processing facility. Discuss the important factors that would be involved in the recovery management process for your department.
4. System control and availability must across the boundary dividing manual and automated processes. Using the account payable program as an example. Discuss the shift in responsibility at the interface.
 Annamalai University MBA Assignment answer  2019
1. “Ineffective communication is the fault of the sender.” Do you agree or disagree? Discuss. Explain how ineffective communication disturb doing business globally.
2. Narrate the features of different types of reports. Present the structure of scientific report. Prepare a report to highlight the ever increasing rate of attrition in the organization.
3. Draft a speech on “Business Ethics” to be delivered in a meeting of Chamber of Commerce and industry at Chennai.
4. Make out a new report concerning untapped potentials in the handicrafts sector of your country thought which there will be a scope to mobilize Foreign Currency reserves.
Annamalai University MBA Assignment answer  2019
1. Understanding the basic concepts of Organizational Behaviour prepare a Behavioural frame work for a newly established IT company in Chennai. – Student can imagine the size and turnover of the industry.
2. To understand the importance of the concepts personality, perception, and attitude of employees in an organization, prepare an interview schedule, conduct an interview with 2-3 executives of any one organization and present the results.
3. After listing out the qualities and theories of leadership, have a discussion with one or two world leaders of your choice and present the outcome.
4. Identify a suitable case to understand Organizational Culture, analyze the case and present it with issues and strategies.
Annamalai University MBA Assignment answer  2019
1. What are the ACID properties? Define atomicity, Consistency, isolation, and durability and illustrate them through examples?
2. How to write programs that manipulate a network database—including such tasks as searching for and retrieving records from the database; inserting, deleting, and modifying records; and connecting and disconnecting records from set occurrences.
3. Consider the following relations: BRANCH (branch _name, branch _city, assets), ACCOUNT (accno, branch _ name, balance), DEPOSITOR (customer _ name. accno, Customer_ Street, customer city). Write the SQL statements for the following:
a) List all the customers who have at least two accounts at the branch.
b) List all the accno whose accounts are in a branch _name where an asset is maximum.
c) List all the customers whose account balance is minimum.
d) List all the customers who have an account at all the branches located in a specific city.
e) Demonstrate how you delete all account tuples at every branch located in specific city.
4. Draw the various schemes of banking system and explain the involvement of view levels of data abstraction.
1. How can information Technology support a company’s business processes and Decision Making, and give it a Competitive Advantage? Illustrate your answer.
2. Why do you think there have been so many business failures among “dot-com” companies that were devoted only to retail e-commerce?
3. Explain the management information system in various marketing strategy which are adopted by various company. Explain with examples.
4. Discuss the executive information system and executive support system in various marketing organisation.
1. Company has the plan to implant software applications to manage its inverting function.
a) Identify the options available towards providing inverting solutions. Narrate the comparative advantage and disadvantages of each option.
2. Identify the organization providing software solutions for retail applications a) Develop the project network diagram that can support the implementation scheme for such retail solutions.
3. Bring out the organization involved in implementing software solutions.
a) Narrate the role of project support office for such organizations.
4. Identify the key deliverables in core banking solutions.
1. What are the significant assumptions we make while comparing financial ratio of various companies in the same industry? Discuss the implications of the above assumptions for a user of financial ratios.
2. Suppose you are the co-owner and manager of a retail store that sells and repairs mountain bikes. Provide one example of a financial accounting report that would be useful to you and your co-owner. Provide two examples of managerial accounting reports that would be useful to you as the manager.
3. Discuss how internal rate of return (IRR) method differs from the net present value method (NPV). Be sure to include an explanation of what the IRR method is and what the NPV method is.
4. Imagine that, you are the owner of a business. Pass journal entries with 20 different transactions. Prepare a position statement after every transaction. Did your firm earn profit or made a loss at the end of all transaction? Make a small comment on your firm’s position at the end.
1. ABC & CO Ltd wishes to setup a paper manufacturing unit in the sub urban area of your city. You have been assigned to examine the preliminary requirements and to conduct a feasibility study. What factors you will consider to study the technical and economic feasibilities of the project. Give an outline of the feasibility report.
2. Detailed project report forms the foundation on which the entire super structure of the project is built,” if it is weak, the project cannot withstand the turbulent times ahead. Discuss bringing out the do’s and don’ts of a good report.
3. Discuss about the infrastructure projects in the context of present day’s economic developments of the country. Brief out the common problems associated with it and the efforts made by the government to solve the same.
4. Why do role models impact the decision of people to become the entrepreneurs? Do you think that a person whose parent was an entrepreneur of a failed business is more or less likely to start his or her own business than a person whose parents were managers of large established companies?
1. Do a SWOT Analysis for Reliance Jio 4G services in Indian market and analyse the strategic approach of reliance communication in this regard.
2. What were the major strategic drawbacks of Kingfisher Airlines? What was the vital reason for its dropdown? Consider the strategic issues and justify it.
3. Illustrate with examples of hyper competition and competitive dynamic approaches in strategic marketing.
4. Why would management adopt a stability strategy? Can stability strategies be viable over a lengthy period of time? Why or Why not?
1. Do you think that the rules laid down on the various Acts pertaining to labour welfare are employer friendly or employee friendly? Justify your stand with valid examples.
2. What is your view that a small organization having an employee strength of 10 -  30 cannot implement employee welfare measures as per the prescribed Act or beyond the purview of the Act? Discuss with supportive evidences.
3. “Providing too many benefits to employees leads to industrial unrest hence they should be kept within certain limit”. Do you agree? Justify your stand.
4. “The Government plays an important role in establishing a better industrial relations and it passes various laws to protect the interest of both employers and employees”-Discuss.
1. Briefly explain business case for e-learning. Describe the advantages and disadvantages of e-learning in Indian scenario.
2. Prepare a training schedule for a newly joined salesman in a pharma company.
3. Assume that you are training an employee to diagnose and repair a loose wire in an electrical socket. After demonstrating the procedures to follow, you let the trainee show you how to do it. The trainee correctly demonstrates the process and repairs the connection on the first attempt. Has learning occurred? Justify your Answer.
4. Many employees are unwilling to relocate geographically because they like their current community and because spouses and children prefer not to move, as the result, it is difficult to develop employees through job experiences that require relocation. How could an employee’s current job be changed to develop that employee’s leadership skills?
1. Sales Manager’s dilemma is mainly in using the Sales Management Information. System towards hiring, training and allocating tasks – Discuss.
2. Explore new marketing and distribution channel for online e-marketing Companies.
3. Middleman cannot be eliminated in distribution network – Discuss.
4. Sales management and distribution management are parallel functions – Elucidate.
Annamalai University MBA Assignment answer  2019
1. Marketing research is undertaken to guide managers in the analysis of marketing problems. Elucidate.
2. If you have to conduct interviews in a field survey, describe how you would establish a rapport with respondents.
3. “Knowledge about individual’s exposure to various media of communication will enable the marketer to understand consumer social behaviour:” Do you agree with this statement? Why?
4. How dogmatism and cognitive personality factors affect the purchase behavior of consumer.
Annamalai University MBA Assignment answer  2019
1. “The most important index in financial market is the stock index, which uses a set of stock that is representation of the whole market, or a specified sector, to measure the change in the overall behaviour of the market or sector over a period of time”. Do you agree or disagree? Give your views by taking the present situation.
2. The technical analyst places a great deal of importance on supply and demand in stock pricing. Presumably the fundamental analyst also believes that supply and demand are important. In what ways do the two groups disagree on the subject? Give your comments with suitable examples.
3. The efficient market theory has major implications for the practice of portfolio management. One obvious implication is the determination of superior analyst. Another is how to carry out the management of portfolios, assuming no success to superior analysts. Assume that none of the analysts to whom you have access is superior, what specific investment practices you would implement for your clients?
4. Reported earnings typically differ, sometimes considerably from economic earnings. Nevertheless, it is often argued that reported earnings are intended simply to provide source information to investors about the value of the firm. If so, might there not be alternative accounting procedures of equal use to investors? How might one go about evaluating the usefulness of such procedures?
1. Outline the features of the framework of regulation of the credit information companies in India. What are the regulatory and supervisory objectives of the RBI in relation to the NBFCs? Discuss the main elements of the RBI framework of NBFC regulation.
2. I like to invest Rs 2 laths for long term in share market. Will you suggest investing it right now or should I wait for further correction. Justify your views in detail.
3. Discuss the process of selecting an investment in venture capital financing. Explain briefly the framework of the scheme of regulation of venture capital funds by the SEBI.
4. Discuss the structure and working of Indian banking industry. What suggestions would you offer for improvement of their performance?
1. Identify two industries of your choice. When one industry practices TQM and the other practice six SIGMA. What will be the defective rate of the two industries?
2. Visit a manufacturing industry find out the areas in which control chart are used. Prepare a detailed report.
3. Visit a manufacturing organization. Monitor the organization structure and functions of the production planning and control department. Prepare your detailed report.
4. Visit a manufacturing organization. Collect all relevant information regarding vendors of the organization. Prepare a detailed report on the vendor management practice of the organization.
1. Quality and profitability are incompatible objectives.'' Do you agree? Write the quality and profitability factors for FORD motor.
2. How would you provide for quality assurance in financial services being offered
by a NBFC?
3 How a quality awards can be planned and the formalities can be achieved? Write the ISO awards in automobile manufacturing industry.
4. How the core competencies its reliability of the strategic alliances for ensuring quality? Write the factors on health care industry in India.
1. For what purpose the Macros are used in MS-Word. Give two examples with including the procedures to be followed while inserting Macros with step by step instruction.
2. What are the methods adopted to draw various types of Charts in Excel. Draw any three Charts of your choice. (Attach the printout copy of the charts from Excel sheet).
3. Mail Transfer Agent (MTA) role in e-mail is important – do you agree, bring out the types and issues in it.
4. An organization wants to computerize the HR department and network their activities. Prepare a presentation on the merits and demerits of computerizing and prepare the slide animation and transition explaining the challenges of network activities. (Attach the print out copy of PPT).
Annamalai University MBA Assignment answer  2019
1. List and explain the issues involved in development of a business website.
2. Describe the various methodologies used in Business Process Reengineering and compare these methodologies.
3. Discuss the issues to be considered in planning, design and implementation of Cross Functional Integrated ERP Systems.
4. Manufacturers of a mobile phone may assume unique name, address, contact details with model number and type. One manufacturer made one product and different manufacturers may have different products with the same model number. But no manufacturer would have two products with the same model number. With the help of unique identity number customers are identified and have email id and physical address. Many customers may live at the same physical address, but to assume that no two customers have the same mail id. One customer placed an order with unique order number and date. For each order there are one or more products ordered and there is a quantity for each product on the order. Draw an E/R diagram to capture the above information.
Annamalai University MBA Assignment answer  2019
1. How does the environment concerning human resource management in India vary from that of developed countries? Elaborate.
2. Manpower planning is considered as the most primary and important task of HR department internationally. Why is it not so in India? Also discuss the consequences of not planning manpower requirements.
3. Your Organisation is a multinational company based at India. Simultaneously three executives looking after three geographical area decides to quit. The top Management is asking you to conduct the exit interview for those tendered their resignation. How would you organize the exit interview? Will you impress upon them to continue? If “Yes” why? If “No” Why Not?
4. Oil Refinery Company in Riyadh is recruiting supervisory staff for its refinery  peration. Suggest suitable recruiting process for the company.
1. “Major environmental influences always have an impact on International marketing” – Discuss the above statement with recent live examples.
2. Discuss briefly, modes to enter international market and recommend mode of entry and its implications for success of a new product across multiple markets.
3. “Modern marketing concept is applicable to all business organizations irrespective of their size or nature of the goods or services marketed”- Do you agree or disagree? Give your justification.
4. Branding is hot topic in board rooms around the world because most CEOs recognise that the strong brand is a powerful driver in shareholder value. In this connection, what are the key elements that contribute to brand equity? Is it possible to quantify brand equity? If so How? Give recent examples.
1. Discuss the foreign exchange market, procedure for quotation and arbitrage. Narrate current situation of Euro currency and Euro Credit.
2. Elaborate the different criteria and difficulties in evaluating foreign projects while making international investment decision for developing countries investors.
3. Critically evaluate the International Financial Market Instruments. Discuss the internal and external techniques of risk involved in the International Business.
4. What do you understand by International Portfolio Investment? Critically evaluate the key elements of taxation with suitable examples.
Annamalai University MBA Assignment answer  2019
1. Mr. Sarath, CEO of a Multinational company has decided to construct a warehouse in the central part of the India. He approaches you for designing the warehouse. Counsel Mr. Sarath in designing the warehouse with different sizes and shapes and explain its relationship with material-handling system. Suggest the reason for constructing different designs of warehouses by explaining its advantages and disadvantages.
2. Mr. Puneeth has recently opened a logistical service agency. When he enters into the business, many agencies face different legal problems related to logistical operations. Mr. Puneeth does not know how to run the business without any legal problem. As a logistical legal consultant, advise Mr. Puneeth about various transport regulations to overcome legal problems.
3. You are assigned the position of Chief Manager in a logistics company located at Mumbai. You have customers across globe. Your responsibility is to collect the goods from various sources and export it from the nearest port. How do you do the operation, and explain the problems you may face during the logistical operations?
4. “Supply chain management is need of the hour for current business scenario” – Substantiate your views for the above statement by explaining the real time success stories of any three business firms of your choice.
1. AMUL is the India’s largest food products organization and the market leader in whole milk, condensed milk, milk powder, butter, cheese, ice cream, dairy whitener and sweets. “Amul-Diversifying for Growth” looks at how the co-operative integrated approach adopted by Amul has been successfully used to dominate the dairy products market and how it is utilizing its strong brand name to diversify into non-dairy products, processed foods, and other products. Discuss.
2. India’s strict regulations against allowing FDI in retail sector prevent the entry of the foreign retailers to our country. Discuss the attempt of foreign retailers to enter the land of opportunities through different strategies.
3. Explain the Leadership Re-organization. Discuss about Wipro’s Co-CEO model. Will Wipro achieve what it set out to do by appointing Co-CEOs?
4. Transformation of an Indian Family Business into a globally competitive Firm: Illustrate how companies from emerging market like Mahindra & Mahindra (M&M) from India are competing globally by leveraging on their core competencies.
1. Briefly explain the Export and Import policy (2002-2017) of India. Identify the gains and losses of those policies.
2. Enumerate the procedures to establish a new Export Oriented Units and explain the terms of shipment and processing of export order.
3. Elucidate the risks involved in export and also discuss about the export incentives and Duty exemption schemes for importing capital goods.
4. Elaborate the impact of current monetary policies on India’s International trade.
1. A company manufacturing electronic goods wants to know how best it can satisfy its potential buyers in the Asian market. Give your suggestions for formulating an appropriate marketing research proposal.
2. According to your understanding, is the process of product research is important in International marketing? Justify.
3. Discuss the major ethical issues in International marketing with three examples.
4. Assume you are appointed as a marketing head in a leading FMCG company in India. As part of the development process the company wants to expand its business operations internationally to its neighboring countries. You are given the task as following. a) Identifying the market and its segmentation b) Studying the consumer behavior c) Do product research d) Examining the market opportunities. Narrate your role to carry out the above task by doing market research.
1. Line of Credit is a short term sources of finance for exporter & importer – will you accept? Explain with examples.
2. Inflation rate as well as interest rates will affect the value of currency rates – Discuss and also explain the reasons for variation of the inflation rate.
3. “Export incentives are major factors to encourage the EXIM business”- Do you agree? Explain with suitable examples.
4. “Credit Insurance agencies will help the exporter & importer in financial payments” – Prove it.
1. Understanding the basic concepts of Organizational Behaviour prepare a Behavioural frame work for a newly established IT company in Chennai. – Student can imagine the size and turnover of the industry.
2. To understand the importance of the concepts personality, perception, and attitude of employees in an organization, prepare an interview schedule, conduct an interview with 2-3 executives of any one organization and present the results.
3. After listing out the qualities and theories of leadership, have a discussion with one or two real world leaders of your choice and present the outcome.
4. Identify a suitable case to understand Organizational Culture, analyze the case and present it with issues and strategies
1. How can information Technology support a company’s business processes and Decision Making, and give it a Competitive Advantage? Give examples to illustrate your answer.
2. Why do you think there have been so many business failures among “dot-com” companies that were devoted only to retail e-commerce?
3. Explain the management information system in various marketing strategy which are adopted by various company. Explain with examples.
4. Discuss the executive information system and executive support system in various marketing organisation.
Annamalai University MBA Assignment answer  2019
1. What are the ACID properties? Define atomicity, Consistency, isolation, and durability and illustrate them through examples?
2. How to write programs that manipulate a network database—including such tasks as searching for and retrieving records from the database; inserting, deleting, and modifying records; and connecting and disconnecting records from set occurrences.
3. Consider the following relations: BRANCH (branch _name, branch _city, assets), ACCOUNT(accno, branch _ name , balance), DEPOSITOR (customer _ name. accno, customer_ street, customer city). Write the SQL statements for the
following :
a) List all the customers who have at least two accounts at the branch.
b) List all the accno whose accounts are in a branch _name where an asset is maximum
c) List all the customers whose account balance is minimum.
d) List all the customers who have an account at all the branches located in a specific city.
e) Demonstrate how you delete all account tuples at every branch located in specific city.
4. Draw the various schemes of baking system and explain the involvement of view levels of data abstraction.
1. Enumerate Security of Internet hosts and networks, Public key infrastructure, Safety of E-Commerce applications, Electronic payment systems, Trust and reputation in E-Commerce.
2. Discuss about the prevention procedures of the firewall to avoid the attack of Hackers.
3. “Online Shopping generate new economy”- Comment your opinion with proper Justification.
4. Discuss the role played by E-commerce in providing customer service at the various stages (product selection to post purchase) in an online buying transaction.
1. How will you execute the Gap Analysis phase of ERP implementation for a very large manufacturing industry? Discuss the steps involved in this scenario.
2. Explain the Planning and Execution Model based on integrated process for a service industry.
3. Discuss the common myths about ERP and find practical solutions for dispelling them in your organization.
4. Most companies today have made significant investments in information technology systems. Write a case study of Integrating ERP, CRM and SCM creates a single view of organizational profitability.
1. Explain the schemas which are used in a data warehouse design with suitable examples. Which schema design is more popular? Draw a schema design for a university admission system. Consider appropriate dimensions and fact table as required.
2. How can business dimensions be useful for defining requirements in a business data warehouse? in which situation jad methodology may be useful for collecting requirements?
3. Compare rolap with molap servers. Which one do you consider more appropriate for data warehouse applications and why?
4. Develop an algorithm for classification using decision trees. illustrate the algorithm with a relevant example.
1. Company has the plan to implant software applications to manage its inverting function.
a) Identify the options available towards providing inverting solutions. Narrate the comparative advantage and disadvantages of each option.
2. Identify the organization providing software solutions for retail applications
a) Develop the project network diagram that can support the implementation scheme for such retail solutions.
3. Bring out the organization involved in implementing software solutions.
a) Narrate the role of project support office for such organizations.
4. Identify the key deliverables in core banking solutions.
1. Web Programming HTML Elements with Cascading Style Sheet (CSS)- Discuss
2. Enumerate the role of DOM (Document Object Model) in website Development
3. Illustrate your views on the data types supported by VB Script, and conditional statements in VB Script
4. On click, on mouse over, on mouse out, on change and on submit event types in JavaScript with example programs.
1. Describe in detail the Integrated GAPs model of Service Quality. Assume you are the manager of a service organization and wanted to apply the GAPs model to improve the service. Explain the gap you would start with, by highlighting the reason. Also describe in what order you would proceed to close the gaps.
2. A leading consumer company intends to diversify into hair care products and has identified shampoo with conditioner to rural markets. The product is not new to the market. However, the competitive advantage for the company is in technology and product formulation. Assume you are appointed as a product manager for the company. Describe in detail the formulation of marketing strategy for the successful launch of the product to the rural market.
3. A public sector commercial bank is trying to change the way it is perceived by its customers. It seems and said as slow bank with low technology and customer unfriendly attitude. Also employees of the branch does not assign due weightage to physical attraction in the environment. Suggest the bank on the strategy it should implement on the operations, technology and people fronts including all or any elements of the 7 Ps in order to attract high profile customers to the bank.
4. Yoga and Spirituality have long been India’s strengths in foreign markets. Also the ayurvedic product brands from India are making a big league globally. Design strategy to focus on the measures you would prefer to initiate to increase the influx of high spending tourists coming from abroad. Also make use of the Indian traditional knowledge and sell books based on it in the markets abroad. Describe your plan and explain how you would go about it to promote it in foreign markets.
Annamalai University MBA Assignment answer  2019
1. Bring out a detailed marketing research that would be useful for a) the public transport authority in Chennai city b) National Zoological Park - Vandaloor.
2. Panda Inn is a chain of fast food restaurants located in major areas of Chennai. Sales have been growing very slowly for the last two years. Management has decided to add some new items to the menu, but prior to that they want to know more about their customers and their preferences.
a. List possible hypotheses .
b. Explain what kind of research design would be appropriate?
3. The campus food service would like to determine how many people eat in the student cafeteria. Which survey methods can be used to obtain this information? Which method is best and why?
4. State the type of experiment being conducted in the following situations. In each case, identify the potential threat to internal and external validity.
a) Major distributor of office equipment is considering a new sales presentation program for its sales people. The largest sales territory is selected, the new program is implemented and the effect on sales is measured.
b) Procter and Gamble wants to determine if a new package design for Tide is more effective than the current design. Twelve supermarkets are randomly selected in Chennai. In six of them, randomly selected, Tide is sold in the new packaging. In the other six, the detergent is sold in the old package. Sales for both groups of super markets are monitored are monitored for three months.
1. Review the activities undertaken by marketing oriented firms and show the relevance of consumer behavior of each activity.
2. Explain how the product manager of a breakfast cereal might change consumer attitudes toward the company’s brand by
a) Changing beliefs about the brand
b) Changing beliefs about competing brands
c) Changing the relative evaluation of attributes
d) Adding an attribute
3. What kind of marketing and socio cultural inputs would influence the purchase of
a) A TV with inbuilt recorder
b) A concentrated liquid laundry detergent
c) A fat-free ice cream
4. Think of a recent major purchase your family has made. Analyze the roles performed by various family members in terms of the following consumption roles:
a) Influencer b) Decider c) Buyers d) Preparers e) Users f) Maintainers g) Disposers 
1. Rural Marketing is the real marketing – Do you agree or disagree. Substantiate your views.
2. Does Rural Marketing require strategies? If yes or no – Give a detailed note. What are the product related strategies for rural marketing?
3. Is rural marketing important in India? – Discuss.
4. “Universe is depending on Rural Marketing”. Do you agree or disagree. Justify your views?
1. Sales Manager’s dilemma is mainly in using the Sales Management Information System towards hiring, training and allocating tasks. – Discuss.
2. Explore new marketing and distribution channel for online e-marketing Companies.
3. Middleman cannot be eliminated in distribution network. – Discuss.
4. Sales management and distribution management are parallel functions – Elucidate.
1. Do a SWOT Analysis for Reliance Jio 4G services in Indian market and analyse the strategic approach of reliance communication in this regard.
2. What were the major strategic drawbacks of Kingfisher Airlines? What was the vital reason for its dropdown? Consider the strategic issues and justify it.
3. Illustrate with examples of hyper competition and competitive dynamic approaches in strategic marketing.
4. Why would management adopt a stability strategy? Can stability strategies be viable over a lengthy period of time? Why or Why not?
Annamalai University MBA Assignment answer  2019
1. Enumerate Security of Internet hosts and networks, Public key infrastructure, Safety of E-Commerce applications, Electronic payment systems, Trust and reputation in E-Commerce.
2. Discuss about the prevention procedures of the firewall to avoid the attack of Hackers.
3. “Online Shopping generate new economy”- Comment your opinion with proper Justification.
4. Discuss the role played by E-commerce in providing customer service at the various stages (product selection to post purchase) in an online buying transaction.
1. “Empirical research in India creates so many problems for the researchers”. State the problems that are usually faced by young researchers.
2. Using the different measurement scales, prepare a questionnaire, on a topic of your choice and indicate the statistical tools can be used for analysis of the questionnaire.
3. Critically examine the following statements.
(a) Interviews cause more bias than the use of questionnaire while collecting data.
(b) Projective technique is reliable and authentic method of data collection.
4. “Majority of the researches makes use of primary sources of data and secondary data sources do not really contribute to a scientific enquiry”. Do you agree or disagree with the statement? – Explain.
1. Outline the features of the framework of regulation of the credit information companies in India. What are the regulatory and supervisory objectives of the RBI in relation to the NBFCs? Discuss the main elements of the RBI framework of NBFC regulation.
2. I like to invest Rs 2 lakhs for long term in share market. Will you suggest investing it right now or should I wait for further correction. Justify your views in detail.
3. Discuss the process of selecting an investment in venture capital financing. Explain briefly the framework of the scheme of regulation of venture capital funds by the SEBI.
4. Discuss the structure and working of Indian banking industry. What suggestions would you offer for improvement of their performance?
1. Discuss the foreign exchange market, procedure for quotation and arbitrage. Narrate current situation of Euro currency and Euro Credit.
3. Critically evaluate the International Financial Market Instruments. Discuss the internal and external techniques of risk involved in the International Business.
3. “A non- financial firm should always completely hedge all its exposures to environmental risk factors such as exchange rates and interest rates.” Critically
discuss this recommendation.
4. Real exchange rate changes are measured by adjusting nominal exchange rate changes by inflation differentials, the latter in turn being measured by some price index such as WPI or CPI. It is said that a firm faces operating exposure only if real exchange rates change. Is this strictly true? Why or why not?
1. “Derivatives are considered as risk management tools used by organizations/ investors/individuals”. Critically evaluate the statement.
2. “The basic purpose of derivatives instruments is to provide commitments to price for future dates for giving against adverse movement in future prices”. Discuss and critically evaluate the statement.
3. “Forward contracts acts as fore-runners of futures market”. Critically evaluate the statement in light of growth of forward market Worldwide.
4. “Options are the safest instrument for investors for the investment purpose. Options writer has limited profit and unlimited losses whereas option buyer has limited losses and unlimited profits”. Critically evaluate the above statement with suitable examples.
1. Elaborate the loss control measures of any manufacturing company of your choice.
2. Risk cannot be avoided but can be minimised- Discuss.
3. Risk avoidance is a negative treatment of risk rather than a positive technique – Elaborate.
4. Discuss the major types of risk that are associated with great financial insecurity.
1. “The most important index in financial market is the stock index, which uses a set of stock that is representation of the whole market, or a specified sector, to measure the change in the overall behaviour of the market or sector over a period of time”. Do you agree or disagree? Give your views by taking the present situation.
2. The technical analyst places a great deal of importance on supply and demand in stock pricing. Presumably the fundamental analyst also believe that supply and demand are important. In what ways do the two groups disagree on the subject? Give your comments with suitable examples.
3. The efficient market theory has major implications for the practice of portfolio management. One obvious implication is the determination of superior analyst. Another is how to carry out the management of portfolios, assuming no success to superior analysts. Assume that none of the analysts to whom you have access is superior, what specific investment practices you would implement for your clients?
4. Reported earnings typically differ, sometimes considerably from economic earnings. Nevertheless, it is often argued that reported earnings are intended simply to provide source information to investors about the value of the firm. If so, might there not be alternative accounting procedures of equal use to investors? How might one go about evaluating the usefulness of such procedures?

1. “Change is easy to devise but difficult to implement and nearly impossible to sustain”. – Discuss with live examples from any industry of your choice.
2. Mr. Ramesh, CEO of a company is going to introduce mechanization in his company to speedup the production process. This leaves 10% of employees to be unemployed. The casual laborers resist this mechanization process. Assume that you are consultant; intervene in this issue and act as consultant to both Mr. Ramesh and the employees.
3. Discuss the major interventions. In your opinion, Which OD interventions are most effective? Why?
4. Bring out an essay on the OD in Multinational companies after 2010.
Annamalai University MBA Assignment answer  2019
1. Briefly explain business case for e-learning. Describe the advantages and disadvantages of e-learning in Indian scenario.
2. Prepare a training schedule for a newly joined salesman in a Parma company.
3. Assume that you are training an employee to diagnose and repair a loose wire in an electrical socket. After demonstrating the procedures to follow, you let the trainee show you how to do it. The trainee correctly demonstrates the process and repairs the connection on the first attempt. Has learning occurred? Justify your Answer.
4. Many employees are unwilling to relocate geographically because they like their current community and because spouses and children prefer not to move, as the result, it is difficult to develop employees through job experiences that require relocation. How could an employee’s current job be changed to develop that employee’s leadership skills?
1. A Workman under the influence of drink touched a live wire while working at a machine and instantaneously died. His wife claimed compensation, but the employee took the plea that he was not liable as the accident arouse out of a default by the workman. Critically, evaluate and comment on the incident.
2. Write the various statutes enacted by Indian parliament from time to time and various schemes implemented by the government for the welfare of the child, female and contract labourers in India.
3. Give a detail note on voluntary welfare facilities provided by the Indian organization of your choice.
4. The services of employer were terminated due to closure. But the apex court held that the services to be continued on same terms and conditions either in the government or in the government operations. Discuss.
1. Critically evaluate the existing statutory machinery available for settling industrial dispute in India. Are they effective? Give your suggestion.
2. “Grievance handling has been called day-to-day collective bargaining. It involves the continuing interpretation of the collective bargaining agreement but usually not its renegotiation.” – Converse the statement with suitable examples.
3.) “Disciplinary proceedings must be treated as the means for an end”- Explicate the statement clearly identifying the “means” and “ends”.
4. “For peaceful evolution of the economic system in a democratic basis, it is essential that workers participation in management should be accepted as a principle and urgent need.” – Do you agree with the statement? Justify your answer.
1. Compare the Salary template of Three Companies and find out the one that has the most amount of Tax Saving schemes.
2. Do a Web Search of Indian Industries using the term salary survey, find out the most relevant and up-to-date information on the same.
3. Give the SWOT – Analysis report on the 7th Pay Commission  Recommendations.
4. How to impose rules and policies on compensation in terms of salary and other benefits for managerial personnel. What process would you adopt in revision of existing salary structure of an organization?

Annamalai University MBA First and Second year Assignment Solution


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